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I made a mental note to myself to schedule a haircutlater in the day."Come in!" came the reply to my knock.Mr. Lewis wasn't alone. Brad Jacobs was sitting in front of his desk. Isupposed Brad would be in line for Wilcox's job. As a Senior Associate,he was Dalton Wilcox's number one guy, so he'd probably move up to Non-Equity Partner status. While short of the big bucks, it would put him onthe fast track to become an Equity Partner. He looked pretty upset,though, so either that thought hadn't occurred to him yet or he reallyhad liked the old guy. I suspected it was a little of both. After all,Dalton Wilcox, for all of his faults, had been a likeable guy.Sitting in one of the other chairs in front of the desk was a man Ihadn't met before. He was slim, wearing a rumpled gray suit. I guessedhim to be in his forties, and the hard expression on his face told methose forty some-odd years had not been a bed of roses. It didn't take agenius to realize the newcomer was a cop, and in a moment,. Here my men wereimprisoned. Here, I was quite sure, my enemy was waiting, wondering whereI might be.It was simply wandering and observing that led me to my army. If my heartwas not broken before, now it surely was. They all seemed physicallyintact, at least. But captivity had had its effect on their spirits, itwas plain to see. They were, in fact, quite easy to see: there was nowall around them, no bars, no prison fence; nothing but a shimmer ofyellow in the air around the too-small section of the courtyard wherethey were all gathered, fully exposed to the elements from above, fullycontained by the magic barrier, and clearly beaten in spirit. I reached them about the same time as another woman, who walked throughthe barrier as if it wasn't there. She got there attention even as I waswatching, to announce to them,"Your friend Marisa seems to be trying to get to the city. Don't thinkshe has come to help you, though! If she comes to you, know that she hasdecided to overthrow the queen.
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