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She had to hike her dress up over her ass to avoid ripping it as she straddled his cock. Daniel pulled her dress down to her waist, her big 36D's straining at her bra, bullet nips protruding with her excitement. Susan's soft mommy belly was exposed to this man, and he rubbed it as his hands roamed all over her tremblingbody, kneading her tits and pulling up her bra. Susan pulled it off and leaned her bright pink nipples into Daniel's face, desperate for his lips to take her and make her nips tingle. Susan could also feel what seemed like a fat hard hose straining up into her wetpussy. She fumbled with Daniel's zipper and grabbed greedily at what lie inside. Susan leaned back and stood up, her large areolas engorged and wet from Daniel's lusty mouth. They were still a beautiful bright pink as they'd always been, only now larger and the nipples longer and harder than ever before. Some things improve with age. She knelt down and pulled off Daniel's trousers, stunned at what. Com fa dos anys ja ho havia estat la Patr?cia.. Quan totes dues s?n lligades, posa unes pinces als mugrons i lliga l?altre cap al mugr? de la companya. I a la Patr?cia li est?n pel cl?toris l'afrodis?ac que li estan posant aquests dies. Abans de tancar-les en aquell lloc petit i estret, on quasi es toquen, el J?nos els explica com viatjaran all? dins. I els avisa que tenen per unes hores. 9:30 Tancades all? dins, no senten m?s que petits sorolls que venen de l?exterior, les seves pr?pies respiracions, i un petit ventilador que extreu l?aire. La que viatja m?s inc?mode ?s la Priscil?la, conforme quan han estirat la caixa a la furgoneta ella ha quedat a la part superior i penja, sostinguda pels lligams que du. Els pits de la Priscil?la pengen, fins tocar els tant pr?xims de la Patr?cia, fent-se companyia, i sentint els respirar una de l?altre. I sentint els gemecs apagats i els moviments de la Patr?cia, intentant alleugerir-se, per? impossibilitada de fer-ho. Triguen una mitja hora a.
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