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She put her hand on the doorknob, took a deep breath, and opened the door just enough to see out.Heather cleared her throat loudly, and menacingly I thought. Jess must have heard it because she swung the door open halfway and I saw the huge eyes of the server standing on the opposite side of a food cart. He couldn’t have been more than 19, wearing standard bellboy garb, and he made little effort to control his eyes wandering over the body of my nude bride.Jess forced a smile and said, “Bring it right in.” The bellboy seemed to debate it in his head for a brief moment, but in the end my, wife’s huge tits seemed to be the last thing he focused on before pushing the cart into the center of the room. Heather pushed the bathroom door closed a smidge further so he wouldn’t see us watching them. I was totally unprepared for what came next.The bellboy had regained his professionalism a little bit as he uncovered the food trays and prepared the meals at the small table in the corner. I could. As the summer came to an end and the boys started school again, I didn’t seem them as much. That also meant I didn’t see Gloria as much, which was a bit disappointing for me. Not only did I enjoy looking at her, but I really had begun to enjoy her company.Well, it had been a while since I had seen her or the boys other than in passing when one morning there was a knock on my door. I had just gotten out of bed so I slipped on a pair sweats and went to answer it. I opened the door and Gloria was looking pretty distraught.I asked, “What’s wrong, you look a little upset?”She burst out with, “The damn car won’t start this morning. I think the battery is dead because all it will do is click when I twist the key. I need to get the boys to school and get to work myself.”It was then I realized she was standing there in the purple scrubs she wore to work all the time. Without giving it much thought, I reached for my keys on the pegboard and handed them to her, saying, “Here, take my truck and.
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