Live XXX Cam Show With Oil Massage

That stimulated my penis like you wouldn't believe. Then Jean just sucked my cock as hard as she could, hold it firmly in place in her mouth. She didn't even have to use her hands to hold my cock in her mouth she sucked it so hard she just held it there. I thought it was amazing how she could hold a penis in her mouth by just sucking it. Jean finally came up for air, and began rapidly fluttering her tongue back and forth around my penis until she reached the spot where the shaft met the head. She sucked it is hard as she could and held my cock firmly in place in her throat. To my surprise, she then flicked her tongue back and forth all around my cock as I moaned in pleasure. I couldn't take this kind of cock sucking for more than a few minutes and soon I yelled "Jean, I'm coming right now!!!! And with that she deep throated my cock and held it there while I shot a large, deep load down her throat. She was not only a skilled cock sucker but she was also a swallower and as she sucked. As I relaxed I realized that peeing hadn’t felt so good previously and deliberately contracted again. Having read about the Kegel exercises which were described in terms of stopping a urine stream, I wasn’t too surprised at the sensation, but it’d never occurred to me to do them. Now I was doing the exercises with the pressure from a still heavy bladder and found the experience an awakening. Finally empty, I found that I was quite aroused. As the tissue slid over my urethra and to the mouth of my pussy, my arousal was intensified still further as it slid in the seeping come from my two(!) swains. I was now thoroughly wanton and tempted to make myself come knowing that the guys could hear me. Resisting the urge to put on some panties from the hamper, I returned to the boys reveling in my ripeness. As I approached them I noted that both Jim and Greg were aroused and wondered whether they’d been listening to me peeing. Greg said, “You sure took your time. What were you doing in there?”.
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