What happened this time? You let a woman get a good look at your face again? I told you not to let that happen," Tom chuckled at his own wit. "Well, what kind of car we talking about? I can have the deputies set up a roadblock near town." When Max relayed the description of the car, Sheriff Warner let out a low whistle. "That sounds like the Driscol girl, if I was guessing. Boy, you guys must have done something wrong to get on her bad side! Hey, you know what? There's a side of her I'd like to get on if you know what I mean." Cut the crap, dipshit. I don't care what side you want to get on. The question is, can you fix this?" Don't know. Killing off a local ain't exactly Kosher. People start talking," Tom spat on the ground, admiring the horns on the mountain goat's carcass. The fall had barely scratched them. They would make a fine addition to the trophy wall."Look asshole, I don't really care what it costs. Make sure it gets done. Got it?" Can do. You know the bank account number.. Condoms.”“I see. Would you like me to prescribe birth control pills?”“Hmmm... Uh... Um... I don’t think so.”“OK. Well, go into the next room and the nurse will get you ready for your exam. It’s been nine months.”Natalie got up, nodded to him and went into the exam room. The nurse motioned to her where to go and then told her to strip and put on a gown.“Do I have to take off everything?”“Well, the Doctor will want to examine your breasts. Then he does have you scheduled for a pelvic. So... Yes.”The nurse left and Natalie got undressed. She felt a bit tingly and when she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and pulled them down, she could see that she had creamed them. She was more excited than she thought.When she put on the gown, the nurse returned in a moment and led her over to the table.“Sit there. The Doctor will be here in a moment.”Natalie sat there nervously. And waited–and waited. While she waited, she did not feel excited anymore. Just bored and getting a bit.
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