
Finally he staggers to his feet and bellows skyward, "O Sooshbah! Dizdahblishday fromma olee propsees! Looba Loo see commid! Alooja! Alooja!"Which is how I met the wild Bumsmen of Garbage Island. The others comerunning, and seeing me they too fall to their knees and start pattingtheir bellies and rubbing their heads, which I would learn later is agesture of utmost reverence) and crying "Alooja!"A makeshift stretcher is brought for me, the top of a busted card table,and two of them are appointed to lift me onto it. They gaze at mebeseechingly, apparently wanting my permission before they'll touch me.I smile and nod and they gingerly load me onto my litter.One runs off ahead, so that when I am carried into their little villagein a valley between two great drifts of trash I am given quite areception, the whole community of fifty or sixty people lined up oneither side of the central road between their garbage shanties, whiletwo young girls scatter plastic flowers in my path, along with. While she was the sister of the queen and used to vast power, she felt insignificant and small as she stood at the so-called Focus center of the Assembly sphere.All reports she had heard and seen about the Union paled in comparison of the real thing.Nothing in all her life had prepared her for the splendor of Pluribus Unum or the immense battleships that escorted the Togar ship.And now she stood at that center inside the Assembly sphere and it was the most frightful experience in all her life. The inside walls of this immense sphere were lined with many thousands upon thousands of alcoves and each contained the representative of a Union members society.As she looked around, she corrected herself. Not thousands, but tens of thousands. This immense hall; it’s apex twelve thousand meters above and it’s nadir at the same distance below her, was èerily quiet. The air was cool and free, of any scent.The atmosphere of it all was almost religious and one could almost physically feel the true.
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